понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

daily post rotorua

Well, I went out and got the GH battery pack for those wireless controllers. Itapos;s nice, but not what I was expecting. You get a small battery that goes inside the battery compartment in your guitar. The weird thing is you have to put it in this little charging unit which charges by USB first. However, I thought my guitar was failing because I was getting random misses on the green, red, and blue buttons, and occasionally orange. Talking to Steve, it turns out that the Les Paul has a flaw. When you snap the upper part into the lower part in, the contacts tend to be worn and loose. So duh, youapos;re losing connection. :S boo So Iapos;ll lend it to Steve to see what can be done to perm. Fix this issue. Or wait for the GH WT guitar. ;) hehe.

Now for some questions. (some inspired by VGZ, some by Joystiq)

Video Games
1) How much time should be put into a game in order to give it a fair review? Iapos;m very damn sure most reviewers donapos;t play a game through, or just give a 5 page review on a 1 hour play session. But what would justify a fair and honest review? First impressions? Beating the game? Playing most of it? Playing it hardcore? Playing it casual?

2) Now sort of related to #1, what would be the primary focus of any game review? I ask this because Iapos;ve seen reivews of games that donapos;t explain shit. If a game has bad controls, Iapos;d like to know about it. Or if the graphics suck, why? Some focus on talking about the graphics and artistic value, nevermind that the game is only good for one walkthrough. Some focus on the bad parts of the graphics, forgetting the fact that itapos;s still hugely fun to play with.

3) Now turn the tables this way. Iapos;ve often tried to figure out what anime to watch, and have gotten some good ones (Eyeshield 21), and Iapos;ve gotten bad ones (Naruto isnapos;t that bad, but itapos;s not Godapos;s gift to Anime, nor is DeathNote, nor is Gurren Lagen), but I do want to know. How many episodes should one watch in order to give a good review of the series? The entire thing? Some of it? Be a lazy schmuck and only one episode?

4) Do you think itapos;s over saturated?

5) At the dealerapos;s room at conventions, whatapos;s the thing youapos;d say is in the BIGGEST demand? What would be the least in demand?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

earring hoop man silver

Hello everyone New player hopping on board, pleased to meet you Iapos;ll be playing one part of that OTP everyone loves to hate -- including me Oops... But I love Tama-kins as much as I canapos;t stand Miaka, so Iapos;d like to ask that you give me a chance. hearts; In fact, Tamahome wonapos;t even remember who Miaka is... Because Iapos;m pulling him in before he ever meets her Much to his despair (and loud protests), heapos;ll be in the perverts wing. And ooh, I think we have enough for a full wing now, right?

Anyways, pleased to meet you all

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I was reading and this phrase on a community post caught my attention:

If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you.

i think that encompasses what i feel and the reason how i act like i do everytime khidir and i go through bad patches.

i think it is no mean feat that we are together and as still in love as we are. The two of us are as different as night and day. Although we might like a whole bunch of similar things, our personal favourites, mannerisms, upbringing, and outlook in life can sometimes be so different it gets difficult to get along.

the middle of the week was a bad one for us, because both of us were so stressed out at work and although we knew we shouldnapos;t bring it into our relationship, it couldnapos;t be helped. Our patience was badly fraying and a simple misunderstanding and a misinterpreted tone of voice led to arguments about not appreciating each other. I blamed him, he blamed me. Both at fault, but as usual both unwilling to back down at first.

and because he and me, we manage our .. So-called anger/frustration/stress/irritation/etc in different ways, our fights always have a certain constant timeline. Khidir is like a fighting cock, or a pitbull. When heapos;s angry he growls, stalks around, and when he bites it hurts. The angrier he is, the longer his apos;dissipationapos; of anger takes. And practically anything can turn him the wrong way, something i forgot to do, or did that he doesnapos;t like, etc.

i am more like.. Well i canapos;t think of an animal to substitute my type of anger, so er.. K, more like a glass bottle stoppered with a cork, filling up all the anger till its beyond its compressed, saturated capacity, and once after a certain point, i blow up? meaning iapos;m the slower of the two to become angry, because i tend to keep everything in, thinking that it is not worth the effort to fuss and fight, and repeat that until, comes a day when he really, really pisses me off. And while my patience threshold is quite huge for him already, when i canapos;t take it, then i really canapos;t take it no more. Thatapos;s when the singular battles become a full-out war.

some people break up, or start hating each other after going through this over and over again.(i see him almost every day, by the way) some get bored. Some asked me how i can stand it. How i stand it? i donapos;t stand it.

If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you.

right? we go through what we must, because we are two different people and will always be, no matter how much we cater to each otherapos;s wants and needs, no matter how we change to become one, because that is what we are, two sides of the same coin. Two complete pictures (you tails, me head ok :P). I think after all the time passed, one of the things i learned was to accept that there will always be pain, and accept the pain, and yes, even though it might seem so tiring, and bits of time where you are still so angry you cannot function, time will always help to cool us down.. And thankfully, help us use the argument just past as a lesson to mark another milestone in our relationship. (i must have 10,000 milestones by now)

khidirapos;s aunts said "korang dua jodoh kuat". At first i thought they very the macam paham, but after our recent fight, i do understand why they said that. Khidir is seriously the only guy whom i have apos;toleratedapos;. Sure, my ex-es, i tried to be good to them, but usually after a number of fights.. In the end aku tak heran. I left them, left them to be, whatever. I, however, cannot seem to leave this boy alone.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


why dont i just give up thast what ii feel like doing i mean no one will care anyway. I mean they will prefer if i wasnt there, but then again they will miss the slave i mean they are so fucking lazy its unbelievable. I had to go downstairs to put a DVD in the DVDplayer and mum was sitting right next to it, it pisses me off GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. And the i had to do the washing up and there was stuff from yesterday and i didnt have tea there what a fucking surpriseit wasnt washed up "i was busy" was her bloody excuse.

i cant be assed to make new friend anymore if all they will do is ditch me i mean seriousely what the hell am i ment to do all lunch time by my self just sit at a table like a loner. You can just leave me like that you where ment to be my fucking friend but no you talk about me behind my back, tell me to shut up why dont u make me so angry that i dont want to fucking live any more.

i hate being in this bloody mood it bloody sucks i need help im scared i feel bad about things for no reason. I ask myself questions like why was i born abd convince my self its because i was a mistake or they odopted me and want to take me back coz tehy hate me�i dont bloody no ok i just dont feel part of my family. Im different i have issues and they cant see it they just call me bloody imature a spastick ar retard or a twat. Ok i get the picture that u dont want me here any more but i mean u dont have to make my life hell.

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