пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


why dont i just give up thast what ii feel like doing i mean no one will care anyway. I mean they will prefer if i wasnt there, but then again they will miss the slave i mean they are so fucking lazy its unbelievable. I had to go downstairs to put a DVD in the DVDplayer and mum was sitting right next to it, it pisses me off GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. And the i had to do the washing up and there was stuff from yesterday and i didnt have tea there what a fucking surpriseit wasnt washed up "i was busy" was her bloody excuse.

i cant be assed to make new friend anymore if all they will do is ditch me i mean seriousely what the hell am i ment to do all lunch time by my self just sit at a table like a loner. You can just leave me like that you where ment to be my fucking friend but no you talk about me behind my back, tell me to shut up why dont u make me so angry that i dont want to fucking live any more.

i hate being in this bloody mood it bloody sucks i need help im scared i feel bad about things for no reason. I ask myself questions like why was i born abd convince my self its because i was a mistake or they odopted me and want to take me back coz tehy hate me�i dont bloody no ok i just dont feel part of my family. Im different i have issues and they cant see it they just call me bloody imature a spastick ar retard or a twat. Ok i get the picture that u dont want me here any more but i mean u dont have to make my life hell.

d1812pk, d1812 audiovox, d1812, d1810.

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